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Cost of making videos

How Much Do Corporate Videos Cost?

How much does a corporate video production cost? Well, how long is a piece of string is the common answer.
However, in this story, let me break down the actual cost of a video production so that you know what you are paying for and if someone may be charging too much.


Top Tips for Social Branding for Personal and Businesses

Gunnar Habitz is the author of 2 practical books on Social Selling and Social Branding: “Connect and Act” and “Social Selling for Jobseekers”

In this conversation, we talk about the most fundamental tips on improving your Social Branding.


Your Audience, Their Platform

Gunnar Habitz is the author of 2 practical books on Social Selling and Social Branding: “Connect and Act” and “Social Selling for Jobseekers”

The question of which Social Platform to use for any business is always difficult. You can’t hit all channels, so how do you choose which one to use? And is it then

Best practice for Testimonial Video

The Key Ingredients for the Best Testimonial Video

Irwin and Francis talk about what makes Video testimonials work, and why they are so effective in marketing.

Especially because we live in an AI content world, it has never been more important to create genuine human connections in marketing.

Science of Social Proof

Unlocking the Secrets of Social Proof: The Science that Shapes Customer Behaviour!

Social proof isn’t just a quirk of human nature—it’s science! Studies reveal we’re inclined to follow others’ actions, especially when they’re perceived as popular (Cialdini, 2004). Trust in recommendations from friends and family trumps all other forms of advertising (Nielsen, 2012). Harnessing social proof can skyrocket conversion rates by up to 270% (Spiegel, 2017). From

Great Case Study Story

Anatomy of a Case Study: How to Make a Great Social Proof Video

You would watch or skip a TikTok video within 6 seconds of the video starting, but you sometimes watch a 10 minutes video on YouTube… Why is that?

Great Social Proof videos are not just about the duration of the video, it’s about the story!

In this blog, we explore what makes a GREAT Case

Hubspot State of Marketing 2024

The Power of Short-Form Video: A Deep Dive into the 2024 Hubspot State of Marketing Report

The 2024 Hubspot State of Marketing report presents intriguing insights, though a definitive winner in terms of ROI remains elusive. However, through a video-centric lens, a compelling analysis reveals a promising solution. The report underscores the scrutiny on marketing budgets in our current economic climate, emphasizing the importance of data-driven strategies.
Effective marketing hinges

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