
The One Reason Your Videos May Not Be Working: Videos and the Sales Funnel

Video and The Sales Funnel
Ever wondered why your videos aren't driving sales like you hoped? You’ve likely heard that videos blend visuals, sound, and entertainment to boost engagement, but there’s more beneath the surface. Sure, videos can captivate an audience, but what’s the real secret to turning that attention into action? How do you craft a video that not only entertains but also speeds up your sales cycle? The answers lie deeper in the sales funnel, where understanding your audience’s emotional triggers could be the game-changer. Dive in to discover the one crucial reason your videos might be falling short, and how a subtle shift in strategy could make all the difference. Curious? Let’s unravel the mystery together.

Your videos might not be driving sales for one straightforward reason. Let’s break it down.

The Power of Video: Why It Matters

You’ve probably heard me—and countless other marketing experts—say that videos are powerful because they combine visuals, music, voice, and entertainment. This makes it easier to communicate your brand or product message, leading to higher engagement and better retention.

But the question that likely lingers in your mind is: how do videos actually shorten the sales cycle?

How can they help your sales team close deals faster?

Understanding the Sales Funnel

Let’s start by looking at each stage of the sales funnel. This will help us identify where your videos might be falling short.

Top of the Funnel (ToFu): The Boredom State

At the top of the funnel, your potential customer is like a blank canvas—curious but not yet committed. Their pain point? They’re looking for something to grab their attention, fill a few spare minutes, or maybe even alert them to a problem they didn’t know they had. This is where your video needs to shine. It should entertain, inform, and subtly lay the groundwork for future engagement.

Tip: Don’t push the hard sell here. It’s too early, and if you’re too aggressive, you risk losing them altogether.

Middle of the Funnel (MoFu): The Discomfort State

Now, your customer has a problem to solve and remembers your brand from that engaging video they saw earlier. They’re not ready to buy just yet but are looking for more information. This is the stage where many marketers go wrong. Instead of pushing an explainer video that talks only about your business, appeal to their emotions.

Studies show people often buy based on emotions first, then justify their purchase with logic. This is where your video should focus on the emotional benefits of your product or service—how it eases their pain points or solves their problems in a way that feels personal and impactful.

Tip: Don’t skip the product features, but make sure the emotional hook is front and center.

Oh and a segue here… A good read about why focusing on your customers’ pain is important is the book “They Ask, You Answer“. It will give you ideas of why kind of video content to make in the ToFu and BoFu stage.

Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu): The Reassurance/Comparative State

At this point, your customer is ready to make a decision. They’ve got a budget and a checklist, and they’re comparing options. If your previous videos have done their job—tugged at the heartstrings, presented clear benefits—they might overlook minor shortcomings in your product because they already feel connected to your brand.

Here, your video needs to be straightforward. Address specific pain points, highlight the unique value of your product, and most importantly, make the call to action clear and compelling. Show them why choosing you is the easiest decision they’ll make today.

The Critical Factor: Why Your Videos Might Not Be Working

Now that we’ve gone through what videos should do at each part of the sales funnel, let’s get to the point. Your videos might not be working because they’re not aligned with the emotional journey of your customer.

If you’re too focused on features early on or too vague at the decision-making stage, you’re missing out on the full power of video to drive sales.

Final Tip: Tailor your videos to the stage of the sales funnel your customer is in, and always lead with the emotional connection. That’s the key to not just engaging your audience, but converting them into loyal customers. To find out more read this story about how to make impactful Customer Stories.

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