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Purchase Decisions

99% of Consumers Consider Reviews in a Purchase Decision

Discover the profound impact of product reviews on purchase decisions. A CNBC-cited survey of 6000 US consumers revealed that 99% consider reviews when making purchases. Think about your last five non-essential purchases—odds are, reviews played a role. Extend this to B2B settings, where decisions involve substantial sums; assurance of quality and support matters. Reviews, whether

Niche Business Marketing

Why Even Niche Businesses Need Social Proof

Your product or service targets a specific audience, drawing in potential customers through word-of-mouth or specialized searches. Yet, amidst the traffic, conversion rates remain low. Competition lurks, even in the most specialized markets. While your offering may be stellar, without evidence, it’s merely a claim.

TierONE Capital a niche business, is a prime example of

ROI Triangle for Video Production

Calculating Video Testimonials Cost?

How much does video production or video testimonials cost? While the short answer is, “From $1200”. The reality is you need to define your Minimum Acceptable Quality (MAQ) and your Maximum Availalbe Investment (MAI). Video testimonials can improve engagement and conversion rates when you use it with a robust marketing strategy. Ultimately, you will get

Cashflow for Video Tesetimonials

My Cash Flow is Too Tight to Make Video Testimonials

In my two decades of crafting videos for businesses, I’ve heard a common lament: cash flow struggles. Let’s cut to the chase. Your cash flow hiccup likely boils down to insufficient sales or excessive production costs. But fear not, the remedy lies in savvy marketing.

Consider this: why do customers choose you? It often boils

Vlog about Self Filmed Video Testimonials

The Secret to Great Self-Filmed Video Testimonials

Crafting effective video testimonials can be daunting, but it’s crucial for marketing success. While the idea of self-filmed testimonials may seem convenient, they often fall short of expectations, resulting in brief, generic videos. Effective testimonials should highlight how a business’s products or services address customer pain points. Preparation is key, including providing customers with a

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