
How Much Time Does My Customer Need to Film an Interview?

How much time for an interview
Ever wondered why your videos aren't driving sales like you hoped? You’ve likely heard that videos blend visuals, sound, and entertainment to boost engagement, but there’s more beneath the surface. Sure, videos can captivate an audience, but what’s the real secret to turning that attention into action? How do you craft a video that not only entertains but also speeds up your sales cycle? The answers lie deeper in the sales funnel, where understanding your audience’s emotional triggers could be the game-changer. Dive in to discover the one crucial reason your videos might be falling short, and how a subtle shift in strategy could make all the difference. Curious? Let’s unravel the mystery together.

“It takes how long??!!!”
Is a common exclamation when people hear the answer to the question, “How much time will my customer need for this Video Interview?”

My answer? Typically, it takes around 4 hours for a simple testimonial interview and up to a full day for a complete case study.

This time commitment often becomes the biggest concern when businesses consider producing Customer Story Videos. They worry about asking their clients to spend 4 hours of their busy day to shoot the video.

So, let me break this down and alleviate your panic because, in reality, your customer will probably need only about 1 hour, or 2 at most, for the actual interview. In some cases, it only takes around 45 minutes. 😮‍💨

When we film any video on-location, the crew needs to understand the space and set up the interview location to look its best. We also need to light the area so that the interview looks fantastic.

At the start of the day, we usually spend about an hour setting up, which means all the technical aspects of filming happen during this time, and your customer doesn’t need to be there.

Once everything is set up, we can start filming the interview. Depending on how prepared your customer is, this process can take anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour and a half.

After the interview, the crew will remove all the lights and equipment and return the location to its original state. This step typically takes around an hour to an hour and a half.

So, in total, the process takes around 4 hours. ⏰

If we want to get a really good testimonial and showcase your product or service in action, we would also film what’s called B-Roll. These are additional video shots that complement and supplement what the interviewee says, adding visual interest and, more importantly, showcasing the product or service in action.

Your client may or may not need to be around for this. If your customer is the direct beneficiary of your service, then you’ll want to capture them using it. If their staff are the primary users, it might be enough to record the staff in action.

B-Roll typically takes around 1 to 2 hours, and it’s essential for Case Studies; this is why a Case Study usually takes a full day to shoot. However, your client will only need to be physically present for about 2 hours.

What about an online customer story interview?

We usually recommend asking your client to set aside an hour and a half to 2 hours. To do it right, we’ll spend the first 10 to 15 minutes finding the best spot for the interview or “decorating” the background to give it more character and make it visually pleasing. We’ll also iron out any technical issues.

The rest of the time will focus on getting comfortable with the client and asking questions to draw out the best answers for the testimonial.

So, the short answer to the question, “How long does my client need to be available for a testimonial video?” is…

“Around an hour to 2 at most.”

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