
Your Questions, Answered

You are have some frequently asked questions about the why and the hows of making video testimonials, or if it is really right for you business. So here are our answers about testimonial video production processes and whether it will work with your marketing strategy or industry.

It is not an exhaustive list, so please contact us if you want to find out more.

A Case Study for Case Studies

Most Common Questions

A testimonial video showcases real clients sharing their experiences and the positive impact your services or products have had on their business or life. These videos are powerful marketing tools that build trust and credibility with potential customers.

Just think of how Influencer marketing has taken over FMCG marketing and the success stories like Stanley drink bottles.

Testimonial videos allow potential clients to hear directly from satisfied customers, creating a level of trust that text-based testimonials can’t match. They’re proven to improve conversion rates, enhance brand credibility, and address specific customer pain points through relatable success stories.

Investing in 1 Video Testimonial Case Study can actually generate at least 2 or more videos that can be used in various marketing strategies, platforms and funnels.

Our process is straightforward:

  • Consultation: We discuss your needs, target audience, and key messages.
  • Planning: We outline the video, including who will be featured and the questions they’ll answer.
  • Production: Our team handles the filming, ensuring high-quality visuals and sound.
  • Post-Production: We edit the footage, adding branding elements to create a polished final product.
  • Review: You review the video or videos and request any adjustments.
  • Delivery: You receive the final testimonial video or videos for your marketing use.

All this time, you can be as hands-on or hands-off as needed.

Yes! We offer various packages starting from $1200, catering to businesses at different stages of growth. 

We work within your budget to create a product that meets your marketing objectives without breaking the bank.

The timeline varies based on the project’s complexity, but typically, a testimonial video can be completed in 4-6 weeks from planning to delivery. We’ll provide a more accurate timeline during our initial consultation. However, we have an accelerated package that can deliver your testimonials in as little as 2 weeks.

We’re experienced in working with individuals who are new to being on camera. Our team guides them through the process, ensuring they feel comfortable and prepared, resulting in a genuine and engaging testimonial.

There is also an option of just a Voice only Testimonial interview, where we will then use the interviewee’s voice as the sound track to an animated testimonial.

During the planning phase, we dive deep into understanding your brand’s voice, visual style, and key messages. This ensures that the testimonial video not only aligns with but also enhances your brand identity.

We will even suggest the best type of customer to pick and the style of testimonial video that will best suit your marketing and brand strategy.

Absolutely! Testimonial videos are versatile and can be used on your website, social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, and more. We can also advise on the best strategies for video distribution to maximize its impact.

We will consider what your needs are across the channels, and propose a suite of videos for the various platforms. For example, the main testimonial or case study can be longer in nature, and because of the limitations of platforms like Instagram, we will help you re-edit into shorter videos, and also changing the video layout to a portrait format for TikTok etc.

While the ROI can vary, testimonial videos are known to significantly boost conversion rates, enhance credibility, and directly address customer concerns, leading to increased sales and customer trust. Many clients see a return on their investment through increased engagement and conversions.

Getting started is easy! Contact us for a no-obligation consultation to discuss your goals and how our testimonial video services can help achieve them. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Ready to transform your marketing with the power of testimonials? Let’s create something impactful together.

Some Deeper Questions

I'm concerned about the cost, especially given my current cash flow challenges.

You know that you need to do something to elevate your business, that’s why you are here. If you can give a dollar value on how much you need for your business to grow, how much will that be?

Testimonials and Reviews for products and services, especially when used in a marketing campaign, like an email or social media campaign, has been shown to improve engagement, and increase lead generation and conversion.

So if you calculate how much one sale will improve your cashflow, then how much are you willing to put into getting that sale?

We have a simple write up about how you should value videos you want to produce, including testimonials. Read it HERE.

That’s fantastic! I’m very happy to hear that your business is currently doing well and hence you are busy!

In our video production business, we always have highs and lows, and the balance to ensure a constant flow of work is where the challenge is, and it is also the most important thing to get right. We know that we can’t let marketing slip because in 2 months time when this bumper season is delivered, we will realise that there is not enough in the pipeline, for the subsequent months, and by then to ramp up marketing will take at least a month before results happen.

So, can you risk having a lull in business for 2 to 3 months while you ramp up marketing?

We know we can’t, so we keep marketing constant.

And at Fantestimonial, we focus on making it EASY for you. We take ownership of your marketing and video needs and you can be as hands on or hands off as you want, so that you can focus on business, and know that your marketing engine is still running to keep the leads and conversions going.

Fair call.

Do think about the last few purchases you made of substantial value. A new mobile phone, a new car, or the mechanic to service your car…

How did you decide? Did you just buy the first one available? Or hire the first person who’s happy to help you at the lowest price?

Or did you get it because you heard, or read, or researched to find one of good reputation or quality?

How often do you read a testimonial or review before you purchased or hired? 

Whether you are a B2B or B2C business, your customers engage with you, usually, based on 2 things: 1) if they already have an established relationship with you; 2) If they don’t, then someone else has recommended your business.

Testimonials are the recommendations that your existing customers, who are likely your from your target market, providing to other like minded people or businesses the assurance that your or your business is credible, trustworthy, and great to work with.

They provide the human connection between your brand, product or service, and existing and potential customers.

That is why many businesses are constantly encouraging their customers to rate them on Google Review or on their own website.

Video testimonials just supercharges testimonials by providing a face to the story.

A B2B client of mine who only uses their website for marketing said, “…You need to have it. It adds legitimacy to your business. So even though we don’t market to the general public, the people that we do deal with are high-net-worth people. They are going to Google you.”

Testimonials provides a level of comfort in the purchase cycle.

That is a justifiable question, considering that you will be investing in these videos, you want to make sure there is a good ROI.

That is also our goal for you, because if you are not successful, then we haven’t done our jobs right.

That is why we will alway start by understanding you, your business, your customer’s pain points, and why they want to buy from you.

From there we will suggest the messages and focus when creating the testimonials or case studies. And we will also suggest that you will want to run an A/B test on the various messages if you are not sure what sticks, to find the most effective message or video.

Once you get that result, we can then help you tweak the existing videos, or use the information to make more testimonial videos with the messages that work.

We do not offer a magic bullet to solve all your marketing issues, but we offer a powerful tool to tackle it, and will work with you to hit the target… market.

What is your Unique Selling Point (USP)?

What makes your business stand out from your competitors? 

Testimonial and Case Study Videos are very very good at making your USP stand out because they are REAL STORIES from your happy clients telling their unique stories about how your business has made their business or life better.

Your Testimonial Videos are proof that your USP works, because it has solved the pain points of your customers and they are happy to share it with everyone.

These are real stories, and real people engaging with your potential customers, creating an emotional connection between your business and your customers.

So Testimonial Videos will help you stand out from the crowd because you have an out standing business, you just need to show it.

We certainly can, and will still provide the full service of helping you prepare your customers for the testimonials.

From our experience, you want to curate the information from your testimonials as much as possible to optimise the message. So even on a video call you want to ensure that the customer is prepared to provide great answers, and as much as possible, in a space that looks good as well. We have a short Video Tip on how to improve Self-Filmed Video Testimonials Here.

What’s more, we are also offering a service where we can just record voice interviews from your customers, and then use animation to bring their story to life.

This style of animated testimonials can be visually interesting, and can be used for customers who may have a great story to tell, but are put off by having to be on camera or cannot be on camera due to their location. 

I will not lie to you; the quality of self recordings and video call testimonials are hard to control. All we can do is mitigate or reduce the risk. We have a short video here on how you can improve Self-Filmed Video testimonials.

For example, we offer animated Testimonials which reduce the risk of visual quality of self recorded testimonials, and online video call testimonials.

We also prepare your customers by not just talking through the question and answers, but also suggesting locations for the interview to get the best result from their equipment and location.

Below is an example of a video we produced for the Sleep Health Foundation, with Creativa.com.au as the creative agency, that had to have their experts located all over Australia talking about the Sleep Health Foundation on their Anniversary event.

While it s not a testimonial, it is an example of how we can treat self recorded interviews to give it higher production values and make it look nice.

Ready to Boost Your Marketing with Testimonial Videos?

Don’t let a gap in your marketing strategies hold your business back any longer. Embrace the power of testimonial videos with Fantestimonial and unlock the growth potential you’ve been dreaming of. 

Let’s embark on this journey together—because your success is our success.